DEBE: Secure and Lightweight Deduplicated Storage via Shielded Deduplication-Before-Encryption


DEBE is a shielded DbE-based deduplicated storage system that protects deduplication via Intel SGX. DEBE builds on frequency-based deduplication that first removes duplicates of frequent data in a space-constrained SGX enclave and then removes all remaining duplicates outside the enclave.


  • Zuoru Yang, Jingwei Li, and Patrick P. C. Lee. Secure and Lightweight Deduplicated Storage via Shielded Deduplication-Before-Encryption. Proceedings of USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC 2022), July 2022.


Please refer the Github site for source code and README.

Change Log:

  • Version 1.0.0 (Jun 2022)
    • First release